4. Non-admin view of Project Templates for Jira

Non Jira admins have a different view of the app than admins. All admin only configuration is hidden and you can customize what other information is displayed to non-admins

Customize what information is displayed to non-admins

  1. Click on ‘4. Customize the view for non-admin users’ in the dialog

2. Select the information you want to be displayed to non-admins and customize the info banner displayed to non-admins

3. Click on ‘Update’

Test the non-admin view

You do not have to log in as non-admin to test the non-admin view!


  1. Click on ‘Test the view for non-admin users’ in the dialog


  2. The app will display itself as if you were not an admin
    Meaning you can’t create projects based on templates that have the create permission set to ‘Admins only’


3. Once you are done testing, click on ‘Return to admin view’ to go back to admin view.
(This option only exists for Jira admins)