2.1 Project Template Settings & Boards

2.1 Project Template Settings & Boards

Customize Template Settings of a Project Template

Demo video

Step by step

  1. Click either on ‘2. Configure template settings and clone/predefine project role assignment, components, versions and issues' in the dialog or on the settings icon in under Actions.


2. Settings modal displays all available settings that can be customized for the template. Default tab ‘Template settings’


  • If the template is based on Jira native template, less customization is possible.

  • Permission schemes will be ignored if the instance is using Atlassian’s free plan. Read more

3. Click on the ‘Edit icon’ in one of the rows to update the selected setting.

4. Update the setting and click on ‘Save

5. ‘Close’ the template settings modal

Boards (Custom Template: Software Development)

Company-managed Jira software projects are famous for their customizable boards. Sadly as there are currently no official APIs (feature request) available to duplicate boards or adjust its configuration we can not yet offer the possibility to clone boards. Instead the app offers the option to create basic boards or provide a way to simplify and guide the board cloning process after project creation.

It is important to note that work management projects will always have a next-gen Kanban board generated and Jira native templates for software development projects come with their own boards.

Simplified custom board cloning (Default)

Demo video

After creating a new template based on ‘Custom Template: Software Development’, the app selects ‘Simplified custom board cloning’ by default and takes the source project key as search term for boards. (There are not even API’s to get the board names…)

Once a new project is created based on the template. There will be the section ‘Guidance on Board Cloning’ under ‘Project was successfully created!

  1. Boards Overview’ is a link to Jira’s board overview. The link includes a search term that helps the project creator finding the correct board to clone by clicking on ‘Copy’ in the dot menu

  2. Click on ‘Edit settings’ in either the popup message or also in the dot menu of the cloned board.

  3. Cloned boards are created in the original project, so change the location to the new project.

  4. The app provides a new filter that should be selected under ‘Saved filter’. The filter has the following attributes:

    1. Filter name: Filter for <PROJECT_KEY> board

    2. The project creator is the filter owner

    3. The filter is shared with the new project (Meaning project users will be able to see the board)

    4. The JQL filter restricts the issue to the new project

      project = <PROJECT_KEY> ORDER BY Rank ASC
  5. Optional: Change the board name and edit the filter query if necessary.

Providing the necessary filter reduces the amount of steps to clone boards by half. And displaying the remaining steps directly after project creation when user need them makes it as straightforward as it can be right now. (Please vote for Board API’s feature request, we would love to automate the cloning for you!)

Basic Boards

In case you want to start with a basic Scrum or Kanban board inside new software development projects, select either one of those options in the templates settings under ‘Board’.

  1. In ‘Template settings’ tab, find the row ‘Board’ and click on the edit icon.

  1. Select Kanban or Scrum and click ‘Save’.

The created board filter will

  • have the project creator as its owner

  • be shared with the new project

  • have the JQL filter

    project = <PROJECT_KEY> ORDER BY Rank ASC

The board will consist of three columns, namely "To Do", "In Progress", and "Done", and will correspond to project status categories (color).

Clone & Predefine Project Content Overview

The other tabs on the settings modal allow to clone & predefine project content.



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