3. Additional Custom Permission Roles for Spaces

3. Additional Custom Permission Roles for Spaces

Speed up your space creation by having the correct space permission set up right from the start.

Templates already let you select to the to clone space permission from the source space, use Confluence’s default space permission, or start a space privately, meaning only the creator has access initially.

Now additionally you can define custom permission roles.

Setting custom permission in spaces is not available in free Confluence instances.

Set Up: Additional Custom Permission Roles

Specify a set of space permission and assign users and groups to it. The selected users and groups will be automatically assigned the right permission after space creation.

This is especially powerful when you want to reuse space cloning inside space templates and set the necessary users/groups dynamically into predefined roles like ‘Space lead’, ‘Team member’ or whatever your organization needs.

1. Click on ‘Add Permission Role’

  1. Inside the modal, specify a name for the permission role, add users/groups and specify the space permission.

  2. Click on 'Save'

    The created custom permission role will be shown inside a table, with the selected users/groups displayed and a preview of the specified permission. (Highlighting if the permission role includes space admin)

To reuse permission roles, just click on ‘Save Configuration as Space Template’ Read more