Project Templates for Jira has met the necessary security, reliability, and support criteria to be classified as a Cloud Fortified app.

Overview of the


Project Templates for Jira is part of the , earning the Cloud Security Participant badge.

The program is facilitated through Bugcrowd, a SaaS platform that employs the collective talent of global security researchers for vulnerability discovery. By joining the Bug Bounty program, partners open their app(s) to be tested for security vulnerabilities by these researchers.

In addition, we're involved in the , a joint effort between Atlassian and Marketplace partners to enhance security procedures. The objective is to equip customers with the necessary data to conduct security assessments.


The program's goal is to preserve customer trust and reduce costs by preventing service outages.

An Atlassian app will only receive approval if it:

More information on the reliability requirements can be found here.


The Cloud Fortified apps program strives to ensure a consistent customer experience by improving support ticket management and cost-effectiveness.

While the program's objective is to standardize the customer support experience with Atlassian, customers can continue to reach out to the partners directly.

As a Cloud Fortified app, Project Templates for Jira promises to address critical customer support issues (T1) within 24 hours, five days a week. We also participate in the third-party support process, allowing us to provide and maintain a primary contact point for customer support requests (submitted through Atlassian support).

Upon approval as a Cloud Fortified app, an app is then recommended on the Atlassian Marketplace, primarily targeting enterprise customers.